happy birthday !!

it's official. today is this blog's five year birthday. // "five years && only one blog post??" // well.. no. i had a hundred plus posts (( && nearly 40 other blogs on blogger alone )) when i decided to copy all my content to a text document on my computer (( it's about 450 pages long )) && delete them all. // for some reason tho, i couldn't bring myself to delete this one. // it's where i start'd. // it was my first home on the internet && tho i've had almost a hundred blogs in total (( ranging from no posts && just a custom theme to nearly two-hundred posts )) this blog still holds a special place in my heart (( pause for sentimental poignancy )).

so.. birthday gifts anyone?? yupp!! i got thesavage1 a nikon coolpix // 12.1 mp && hd video // so pretty much, it's time to get ready for some serious multimedia. // oh, && i might even start writing poetry again (( there used to be A LOT of that here back in the day )). // don't get your hopes tho, there's a better chance you'll catch some freestyle flows over old school written prose.

also, i just want'd to make a quick note about the theme :: black minima, terminal style. // when i first start'd out blogging i knew basically nothing about html && css // now i'm heavy into both (( plus a good dose of a cms whose name shalt not be mention'd in this most holy of blogging spaces *cough* wordpress *cough* )) // it was a pleasure to breathe some life back into this blog // these days i have a pretty hard time sticking to one aesthetic for long (( other than simple zen minimalism, the thread that holds all my designs together -- see htminimalist  )) so expect the look && feel to change. soon. seriously.

until next time intro.webs --


risha said...

happy birthday, blog.

birthdays aren't just to celebrate what's gone past; it's to celebrate being reborn.

Flash said...

thanks risha (:

i couldn't agree more // i almost call'd this post "thesavage1 2.0"

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